Journal Articles

Journal Articles, Articles in Books and Online First

  • Cottingham, Marci D., Jamie J. Chapman, and Rebecca J. Erickson. (2020).“The Constant Caregiver: Work-Family Spillover Among Men and Women in Nursing.” Work, Employment and Society 34(2): 281-298.
  • Fixsen, Alison and Cheshire, A. 2020. The Social Construction of a Concept- Orthorexia Nervosa: Morality Narratives and Psycho-politics. Qualitative Health Research. 30 (7), pp. 1101-1113. doi:10.1177/1049732320911364
  • Fixsen, Alison and Polley, M.J. 2020. Social prescribing for stress related disorders and brain health. International Review of Neurobiology. Chapter 10. 238-257.
  • Kuzmics, Helmut. (2020). State, Emotion, Authority, and National Habitus. State-related Problems of Our Time and Methodological Discourses in Sociology and Historical Sociology (with Dieter Reicher and Jason Hughes), in: Historical Social Research 45(1)/2020: 7-41
  • Bergman Blix, Stina (2019). New article on empathy, open access: “Different Roads to Empathy: Stage Actors and Judges as Polar Cases”. Emotions & Society, 1(2), 163-180.
  • Fixsen, Alison, Ridge, Damien T. and Evans, Carys. 2019. “Momma bear wants to protect”: Vicarious parenting in practitioners working with disturbed and traumatised children. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. Advanced online publication. doi:10.1002/capr.12285
  • De Molli Federica, Mengis J. & van Marrewijk A. (Published Online: 5 September 2019). The aestheticization of hybrid space: The atmosphere of the Locarno Film Festival. Organization Studies. DOI:
  • De Molli, Federica. (2019) An aesthetic account of space: a report on recent developments in organizational research. Studi Organizzativi, 1/2019: 38-63. DOI: 10.3280/SO2019-001002
  • Kuzmics, Helmut. (2018). Civilization, Happiness and the Thinking Millipede: A Commentary on Norbert Elias’s Spontaneity and Self-consciousness, in: Jan Haut/Dieter Reicher/Raúl Sánchez Garcia (eds): Excitement Processes. Norbert Elias’s unpublished works on sports, leisure, body, culture, Springer VS: Wiesbaden 2018, S. 95-117.
  • Albrecht, Yvonne (2016). Emotions in Motion. How feelings are considered in the scope of migration sociological studies. In: Natàlia CANTÓ MILÀ (coord.). “Emotions from a relational perspective” [online dossier]. Digithum. No. 18. pp. 25-33. UOC.

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